Code Keyers Featured at KARC Meeting

Morse Key 10RT without cover from gynti_46 on FlickrThe next monthly meeting of the Koolau Amateur Radio Club (KARC) will feature a “Show and Tell” for keys and keyers.

“Bring your keys, keyers, paddles, bugs, cooties, Vibroplexes and related items; old ones, new ones, tiny ones, huge ones; commercially made or home made,” writes KARC President Kimo Chun (KH7U). “Give us a short demo or tell us a story about why you like your particular key.”

There will be a space set up for people to connect their keys and demonstrate their proficiency, including a laptop with a CW decoder so people (including non-CW hams) can see what’s being sent. The key demonstrations will follow the club’s regular monthly meeting.

“It’s all for fun, so bring the oldies and favorite code senders,” Chun writes. “All radio amateurs and interested public are welcome.”

The event will take place on Saturday, Sept. 8 at the Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens, beginning at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit the KARC website.

Photo by gynti_46/Flickr.

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